Sunday, December 11, 2011

New blog space

Yep we done moved to Wordpress. We had other blogs there and really like it. Please update bookmarks:

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lego Board Games

Clara loves making board games out of his Legos. They are usually based on whatever dhe is reading at the time(i.e. Percy Jackson, Harry Potter). This is her first original concept.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Been busy

Hello everybody. We have been crazy busy. Lots going on. Finn is 3 Clara is in 2nd grade. Tarehna is working a long term sub gig and I am back on the phones in a cube enrolling people into school. What else has been going on? Well in Feb T and I participated in FAWM (February Album Writing Month. Brandon, Tarehna), My band, Zombies Love Gizzards, also recorded and released an album. Oh, AND this year will Tarehna and I celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary and are throwing a shindig. Please feel free to click all the preceding links and leave comments everywhere. We love feedback! ~Brandon

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Finn turns 3!

So, we just had Finn's 3rd birthday party. This kid is huge! As big as a four year old. Anyway, when Tarehna asked Finn what kind of party he wanted he said "unicorn." So unicorn it was. Unicorn toys and pointy party hats and ice cream cones on cupcakes. We had a great time and Finn loved it so much. Our good friends brought their copies of Glee for Wii and we all sung. You can find pictures here:

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Been awhile. Sorry. Been busy. Work has picked up for both B and T and the fam has been busy with many projects and geeky socializing. Here are some pictures and links to get you caught up.

Easter 2011:

And a little something I did to the boys room:

Also, B is has been in a band called Zombies Love Gizzards for a year now. You can find their sillyness here: