Thursday, May 29, 2003


Built a fence today. I used the two sticks from which we liberated the fruit trees (so mighty, our little trees, standing all by themselves!) and some yarn (I might as well do something with the yarn; I am certainly not knitting much with it these days). Not exactly a sturdy fence, the whole enterprise serves more as a visual cue for passers by. I'm not really a fan of fences, but it had to be done--the dogs won't leave the sprouts alone.

This is a dog neighborhood. Everyday while we garden, and happily we do get to garden almost every day lately, a parade of dogs comes by with owners in tow. Some are joggers, but most make their way leisurely to the park and the river views. Around here, larger dogs seem to be the popular choice--shepherds, labs, retrievers. The odd collie. Downtown the dogs are smaller, mostly chihuahuas or terriers. Apartment dogs, I guess. The neighbors will have a dog tomorrow. Apparently it has some sort of eating disorder. I have no idea how that will turn out.

Meanwhile, I get sun and marvel at the growth that I nurture. Our corn stands perhaps six inches high and the brussel sprouts are much larger (although, sadly, they have lost their purple and gold leaves and settled instead for the standard garden green. We water every evening, when I pinch the peas and threaten to eat them straight out of the pod. I have done this once already--sweet, but a little on the small side yet. We will surely have peas in our salad for Brandon's graduation party. I'm happy to have the time to enjoy the garden now. Soon I will be locked away in classrooms every afternoon and evening, four days a week. At least that's only for one month.

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